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Dashboard Inputs

Like the robot's hardware, data retrieved from NetworkTables must be isolated and treated as input data. For example, the following call will NOT function correctly in replay:

var flywheelSetpoint = SmartDashboard.getNumber("FlywheelSpeed", 0.0);

AdvantageKit provides several solutions to deal with this issue:

  • For subsystems that use NT input data (reading from coprocessors), we recommend treating the NetworkTables interaction as a hardware interface using an IO layer. See 6328's 2022 vision subsystem as an example.
  • When reading dashboard inputs from NT (auto selector, tuning values, etc) AdvantageKit includes the following classes which correctly handle periodic logging and replay:

Example use of LoggedDashboardChooser for auto routines in a command-based project:

private final LoggedDashboardChooser<Command> autoChooser = new LoggedDashboardChooser<>("Auto Routine");

public RobotContainer() {
// ...
autoChooser.addDefaultOption("Do Nothing", new InstantCommand());
autoChooser.addOption("My First Auto", new MyFirstAuto());
autoChooser.addOption("My Second Auto", new MySecondAuto());
autoChooser.addOption("My Third Auto", new MyThirdAuto());

public Command getAutonomousCommand() {
return autoChooser.get();

A LoggedDashboardChooser can also be constructed using an existing SendableChooser, which allows for compatibility PathPlanner's AutoBuilder API:

private final LoggedDashboardChooser<Command> autoChooser;

public RobotContainer() {
// ...

// buildAutoChooser() returns a SendableChooser
autoChooser = new LoggedDashboardChooser<>("Auto Routine", AutoBuilder.buildAutoChooser());